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NeuroFascial Reset​ 

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset is a neurological stimulation that reprograms the tissue and eliminates pain. It’s a lotion-free technique, so the client remains clothed, and the treatment is movement-based to encourage the client to perform active motion.

So what does it look like?  Your therapist will anchor the tissue where it attaches to the bone (this is the fascia) and you will do active movement.  This creates a process in the body that will rehydrate and lubricate the fascia, allowing for more movement and less pain.


Painful conditions that can be quickly resolved with RAPID NFR include:

Plantar Fasciitis

Shin Splints



Arthritic Joints

Headaches /migraines

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Shoulder pain

Tennis/ golfer’s elbow



Frozen shoulder


RAPID is soft tissue work, therefore, covered by extended health plans under Massage Therapy.

The following before and after pictures were taken in RAPID Neuro-Fascial Reset workshops offered to all licensed health practitioners. These results were obtained in one treatment, and in most cases are permanent.

Before and after

Photo by RAPID NeuroFascial Reset

Before and after

Photo by RAPID NeuroFascial Reset

Before and after

Photo by RAPID NeuroFascial Reset

Before and after

Photo by RAPID NeuroFascial Reset

Creators Rob and Sherry Routledge are Canadian based and trained RMTs, with over 40 years combined experience.  Their busy clinic in Three Hills exceeds the towns population.
RAPID is their signature therapeutic treatment,  and is now taught and practiced by over 1500 therapists worldwide.

Rob and Sherry Routledge
Rob and Sherry Routledge

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